Let’s work together

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you.


Anne-Marie Mastin – amastin@hs.spotsylvania.k12.va.us

Katie Young - kathleen.young@navy.mil

TEAM ROLE - Seeks to coordinate the integral support of the worship and special services.


  1. Provide dressing rooms with clothes hangers, mirror, and hair dryer as needed.

  2. Meet the candidates at the appointed time and show them to dressing rooms.

  3. Arrange candidates in proper order for service.

  4. Assist candidates into and out of the baptistery, seeking to give as much privacy as is possible as they go to the dressing rooms.

  5. Assist candidates in dressing (if needed) and remain until all candidates are dressed.

  6. Accompany candidates to worship service.

  7. Assign one member of committee to assist the minister before and after the service.

  8. Care for baptismal garments, towels, and other supplies to be made ready for the next service

  9. Spiritual Action: Offer your service to the LORD in Jesus’ name. Give thanks for the Spirit that inspires our following in baptism. Pray that the baptismal candidate’s experience of baptism will be followed by a baptized life, committed to growing in the love of God and neighbor.